Second Life Aviation Wiki

The Linden Marauder is a huge, steampunk-styled, pirate airship created by Linden Lab exclusively for its Premium Members. Available for a limited time, the Marauder is available for collection from Premium-only areas in-world.


On July 18th 2014, Linden Lab launched the latest of its Premium Membership discount offers, together with a new Premium Membership gift - the Linden Marauder pirate airship.

Consisting of a full-scale pirate ship tethered to a large airship gasbag, the Linden Marauder weighs in at a hefty 122 prims (502 land impact) with a physics weight of 18. The airship can sit a number of avatars – Captain (owner) at the helm, who must board first, then the “First Mate” and then passengers (or “scurvy crew”, as the instruction notecard jokingly refers to them).

The Marauder utilizes the standard flight controls of "page up/down" to ascend/descend, "left/right arrows" to steer, and "up/down arrows" to accelerate/decelerate. In addition, the pilot can use "shift + left arrow" or "shift + right arrow" to run-out the port or starboard cannon on the gun decks and fire a broadside.


  • Limited edition airship.
  • Firing side-mounted cannons.

