Second Life Aviation Wiki

The Mi-26P "Halo" (ICAO: MI26 / WAKE: MEDIUM) is a Soviet/Russian twin-turbine heavy-lift helicopter. Created in Second Life by Amok Dynamics, the aircraft was based on the real-life Mil Mi-26P (the 'P' designating it as a passenger transport variant). In service with civilian and military operators, it is the largest and most powerful helicopter ever to have gone into production.


The real-life Halo's development started in the early 1970s. The designer's goal was to produce a helicopter with a load capacity twice that of any contemporary helicopter. The Halo has the load-carrying capability of a domestic C-130 transport plane. Its cargo area, with the rear ramp closed, is 12m long, and 3.2m wide, with a minimum ceiling height of 2.9m. The interior can be configured to seat eighty combat-equipped troops or sixty stretchers. The Halo is flown by a crew of four: pilot, copilot, flight engineer, and navigator. The flight deck and cabin are fully air conditioned, but only the flight deck is pressurized.

The Halo was the first helicopter to successfully fly with an eight-blade main rotor. This rotor is 32m in diameter and is made of composites and aluminium alloys, with a leading edge made of titanium. The main rotor head and the tail rotor head are both made of titanium. The flight controls are hydraulically boosted with a redundant autopilot and stability-augmentation system. The enormous Halo is powered by two 10 000-shaft-horsepower ZMKB Progress D-136 turboshaft engines. Each engine bay is made of titanium for protection against fire.


  • Pilot's heads-up display (HUD) attachment.
  • Functioning cockpit instruments with:
    • Altimeter, vertical speed, airspeed, compass, and artificial horizon indicators.
  • Animated components (main rotor, tail rotor, x4 entry hatches, x1 rear cargo hatch).
  • Exterior lighting (navigation lights, strobes, and beacon).

